Sustaining Ourselves as Writers
for Personal and Professional Growth

Led by Julie MacMartin (Lansing Public Schools and Summer Institute 2008)
and David Franke

Professional Development for Teachers K-12 across content areas: 3 hours
Seven Valleys Writing Project of SUNY Cortland
REGISTER HERE at TST BOCES: $20 for breakfast and PD

Saturday, December 1, 2018
Breakfast and coffee at 8:30; writing PD starts promptly at 9:00 AM, ends at 12:00 PM.
Room 204, Corey Union, SUNY Cortland campus. Directions:

Summary: Teachers write all the time: IEPs, reports, comments on papers, lesson plans, and mountains of email. But when do they get a chance to use writing to inquire, reflect, speculate, imagine, and even create? Teaching our students to grow and learn as writers works great — when we have the opportunity to do so, too.